Taxpayers: Stop wasting money and stop blocking prosperity

Author: Kris Sims 2019/06/19
  • CTF presents Taxpayers Top Five at B.C. Finance Committee 
  • Urges government to stop hiking taxes and balance the budget


QUESNEL, BC: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the British Columbia government to stop hiking taxes while blocking job growth.

“Job creators are struggling with the Employer Health Tax, drivers cannot afford the ICBC monopoly, and this government it still attacking pipelines that would help all of Canada,” said Kris Sims, B.C. Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “British Columbians should not be tied to the financial dumpster fire that is ICBC, they shouldn’t be forced to pay the highest carbon tax in Canada, and they should be allowed to benefit from federally approved pipelines.”

The CTF presented its Taxpayer Top Five to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services session in Quesnel. The panel of MLAs is travelling around the province, hearing from groups about ways to spend taxpayers’ money in next year’s budget. The CTF is one of the lone voices urging spending restraint at these meetings.

The CTF urged the provincial government to balance the budget, cancel the carbon tax, eliminate the EHT, open ICBC up to competition and to support pipeline construction.

The provincial debt of B.C. is currently more than $68,000,000,000, that’s a $13,738 share per person.

Click HERE to read the CTF submission to the committee.

Taxpayer Top Five:

1)    Balance the budget

2)    Cancel the carbon tax

3)    Eliminate the Employer Health Tax

4)    Open ICBC to competition

5)    Stop blocking the Trans Mountain pipeline



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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